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5 Reasons To Be A Style Leader

Have The Courage To Be The Best Dressed Man In The Room!!!
You can feel all eyes on you. Wherever you go – people look at you and observe your sense of style.
You are the best dressed man in the room.
How does it feel? Are you conscious of the attention or do you have a clear idea why you are so well-dressed?
It takes Courage To Be The Best Dressed Man In The Room!!!Today every one want to be more attractive, handsome and stylish from others.Men all over world are paying attention to their style. They are improving the way they dress, but there is still a mental block… you start to get conscious because you’re now a step ahead of the rest.
However, unlike most people who are content with the bare minimum in life – you are choosing to be excellent in your style.As a result – you will be perceived as more intelligent, stronger and attractive. All healthy perceptions that are vital to your success in life.I’m going to give you 5 reasons why you need to have the courage to be the best dressed man in the room.


1) Men Who Dress Well Are Perceived As Leaders:

There are many of the leaders in the world. CEO's Top level Managers, middle level managers. and lower level managers. All of them have their own  personality.
I’m not referring to the general idea of heroic leaders in the military or the men who govern countries.
No, what we need more of is servant leaders in our communities and offices. Men who express their strength through service to others.
Studies have shown that people are going to immediately assign a bit more authority to you when you dress sharp. Stepping up your style will place you in the realm of men who are automatically perceived as leaders. More importantly – you will take yourself more seriously when dressed your best.
If you know how to program and code, you could have fun with a bow-tie to stand out of the jeans and t-shirt crowd in your office. Take the time to think about what you want to represent through your clothes.

Don’t just simply go along with the current fashion of super casual clothing just because you’re a tech guy.
When you own your style, the guys higher up will notice the way you dress. When it’s time for a promotion – who do you think they will consider first? The guy who represents the company in the best way possible. How you dress plays a major role in how your bosses perceive you.
Taking the time to think through why you choose your clothes gives them more meaning. Perhaps your grandfather or father wore bow ties and you are continuing their legacy.
You don’t have to dress in a business suit if you are in college (although that help in many other ways). But you should make the effort to stand out where you are. Small changes to your clothes will give you big results.
By choosing to be a leader you actually are going to be selected and see greater success in your life.

2) Other people inspired through your style and dressing: 

Today is the age of modernization and every field requires the person as their employees and Officers of great personalities.When you are the best dressed man around – other people look up to you. They will pull you aside and  confess that you inspire them because you have the courage to dress well. Not because you are superficial – but because you don’t try to fit in; you stand up for who you are.

When someone is having a bad day – be the man who makes them feel good just by being your best. Always bring your A game. It has a positive impact on people around you.

3) Sharp Dressing  Makes You An Agent Of Change:

We have all the information and services we need at the touch of a few buttons.This generation of men could be the best dressed to ever live. Just take a look at the popularity of stylish men with Instagram accounts, Pinterest boards and men’s style magazines.

When I started A Tailored Suit, 7 years ago – there were few services offering customized style for men online. To build a custom suit and have it delivered to your door was a new concept. Now – there are hundreds of companies offering these services.

I built a company offering a unique service – initiating a process of change in the industry. You can do the same thing for your company culture, for your family, for your neighborhood.
You can become that agent of change to get out there by choosing to be the best dressed man in the room. You could inspire a lasting and meaningful change through your attitude of excellence.

4) You Will Get The Benefits Of Being Well Dressed And Well Presented: 

When you start to dress well, people perceive you as a stronger leader. This translates into more opportunities and an increase in your income.
Studies show that well-dressed men earn about $232,000 more across their career. That’s a significant amount wherever you are in the world. The amount may vary – but the opportunities coming your way will be much higher than if you blend into the crowd.
Dressing sharp makes you look like a guy who can handle pressure and get the job don
If you don’t dress the part – you will miss those opportunities and your progress will be slower.

5) You become To Be The Best Version Of Yourself:

As a CEO – I would be letting myself and my team down by dressing in shorts and t-shirts.i motivate them to be well dressed.
The responsibility of leading other people in any capacity is complemented by your style sense. I see the importance in presenting my best self because my businesses are geared towards inspiring other people to live better lives.

As a father of three and as someone who sets the example for people around the world – I work at looking my best. I know that work ethic is rubbing off on people who are watching me.
You get to create and craft your image and how people perceive you. Instead of complaining about the work it takes to be a sharp dressed man – embrace the opportunity. Step up your game by crafting the image of a capable man through your stylish clothes.
Have the confidence to dress like the sharpest man in the room and don’t be embarrassed by the attention. You are a man of definite purpose – let your clothes show it.

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